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Copy HTML with inline CSS – The 3 best platforms

Especially for WordPress it would be handy to copy an HTML code with inline CSS. There are platforms that are made exactly for this purpose. This article is about the best platforms for copying code.



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On the following platforms, you can copy HTML with CSS and Javascript for free. These platforms are partly open source, i.e. the code is compiled by volunteer developers.

The best websites to buy HTML templates

There is also the possibility to buy a code in the form of templates. This saves the often high-priced developer working time.

html code kopieren

The template code can be easily copied and pasted into any CMS (WordPress, TYPO3, and Joomla).

If you need help with the conversion to a CMS system, it is recommended to hire a freelancer.

This is why inline CSS is popular with WordPress

In WordPress, there is no other way to quickly add CSS styles. Every time you want to use HTML elements in the text editor, you have to update styles.css.

With inline CSS, the style is written directly into the HTML element. This makes the code faster and saves the programmer time.

The advantage of HTML with inline CSS

To quickly get started with a project, it is recommended to use a template. A template provides the starting code for a project. Most of the time, the UI is taken directly and the focus is on the backend and server-side programming. Everything works out of the box and debugging the design is completely eliminated.

HTML with inline CSS Question & Answer

Insert Inline CSS in WordPress Editor?

Yes, it works. In the WordPress editor, you can insert HTML with inline CSS. This way you don’t have to create classes in styles.css anymore. This saves time.

What are the disadvantages of inline CSS?

Technically, there are practically no disadvantages. Since each element is styled without classes, creating HTML with inline CSS takes a little longer.

What are platforms for copying HTML used for?

For quick copying of different elements like slideshows, buttons, or forms. For this, you can copy HTML and CSS, adapt them and paste them into your own CMS.


Joe is the owner and editor-in-chief. Self-proclaimed speed optimization nerd. He has 6 years of experience in WordPress speed, CDN systems and web development. He works as an independent freelancer and affiliate publisher. With independent reviews he wants to generate maximum added value for his readers.

Joe der Page-Speed Blogger dude

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